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    mz-n510 sony

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  1. I'm working with a windows xp pack 2 for several years These evening I will uninstall my sonicstage en I shall put the 4.2 on my systeme tomorrow You will have more information thx for your help best regards Ronny
  2. Hello Everyone my name is Ronny from belgium europe and have a little problem with sonicstage 4.3 About more then 10 years I work with md The past years a was started to put al my old cd on md I have a sony net md mz-n510 and I work with sonicstage 3.4 Never had a problem with this program This week my norton virusscan have made a complete scan of my system and then the problem is begon. First he fond my open mg secure module anymore.After more then a dat searching I found finally the solutation. From sony I downloaden a new sonicstage called the 4.3 cp The programs open there is no problem and in the transfer block I see also that my net md is there for receiving My problem is know that I cannot transfer songs. I can bring my old mp3 songs in my library there is no problem but when I want to put my song on my md I received next message The tracks cannot be transferred to the device/media. The remaining transfer count is zero. - Monica.Angel of Mine is there someone who can help me because for the moment I find no solution anymore thx for your help Ronny
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