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  1. Greetings Forum People! I came across this site while searching for info on the DR-1. I read the entire 18 page thread and learned a lot of stuff………but don’t pretend to understand all of it!! But I learned enough to make my decision to purchase one, which I just did a few hours ago. Not only am I a NFG here but a total noobbie with recording in general. I “play” guitar.........well probably better described as “play with” a guitar. I am nowhere near band quality, just a bedroom player. I plan to use this recorder partly as a learning tool. I have a question for you experts. My amp (Line 6 Spider 3 -75w) has a headphone jack and I would like to know if I can use that headphone jack out into Mic1, Mic2 or the line in directly on the DR-1 for recording. Not a great big deal, but I would like to know if this is doable with out damaging the unit. One more question for now. I did one quick test recording with the on-board mic and the unit worked fine, and to me the reproduction sounded great. I see that the new recording is given a number. If I understand the manual correctly, I can change this number to a name when connected to my computer. Is this correct? Well that is all for now, I am sure I’ll have more questions once I actually start using it and hope my questions are not too stupid. Please be kind to the noob! Thanks, Craig
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