Thanks Ishiyoshi, If we look at the linear graph, there appears to be two sets of four graphs (i.e., between 2,000 and 17,000 Hz there are two distinct lines, presumably where all 4 graphs coincide - and for lower and higher frequencies outside of this range the graphs diverge). What do the two sets of four graphs represent? When you write "It is important to note that it is almost impossible to discern the filter at 16 kHz let alone 17 kHz and 18 kHz.", what do you mean? (I'm sorry I'm a complete beginner when it comes to this.) Do you mean the graphs shown are reflective of an 18khz filter, and would be different if a 16khz filter was used? How do the filters relate to human hearing? Finally, where 192kbps diverges from the original in the low and high frequencies, does that mean bass and treble will be "fuzzy" sounding, or just different? Thanks for all your help, Grant