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  1. Thanks bobt! That sounds even better than the toslink... Is the RH1 synonymous with the M200? I see the M200 on amazon and a couple other places and looks like a reasonable solution. If that would work I may just pick that up and be done! =D ~n1
  2. bobt, how does the digital upload work? sfbp, don't know what your definition of "reasonable" is, but I just picked up the Soundblaster X-fi Titanium. $100 US MSRP. Very much a consumer card, but is pretty decent. Haven't had a chance to put it through its paces yet. (http://us.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=209&subcategory=669&product=17927&nav=1) I still need to use a Samson headphone amp to get enough juice to my AKG 240 DF's... The "Extreme Audio" PCI Express version is only $60 MSRP (http://us.creative.com/products/product.asp?category=209&subcategory=669&product=16770)
  3. Located on the US East Coast... Guitarfxr, I'll have to check the Atrac version. That Kenwood looks exactly like what I'm looking for if the formats are compatible. =) My wife made the recordings back probably 5 years. Not sure what model her Sony MD recorder is. I'll get back to you when I know. sfbp, I figured I can't go wrong with the Sony decks. I have two portable Sony MD players/recorders and loved them before I went to my mAudio MicroTrack24/96. I've got the software covered. Thanks guys for the help! ~n1
  4. Thanks SFBP... I was actually perusing the equipment browser after I posted. VERY helpful. Looks like the Tascam MD-CD1 can still be purchased new... However, for what I need it for, it's a bit overkill. I guess I'll just lurk on e-bay and see what comes up there and cross reference it with the equipment database. ~n1
  5. Hi all, Trying to find a mini disc player with optical out. I have some archived recordings on MD that I'd like to transfer digitally. I know some of the discontinued Sony decks have the option. I was wondering if there were any units currently being produced that have optical out. Have a strong technical background in audio engineering/editing so I'm not looking for software advice, just a good hardware recommendation. Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks! ~n1
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