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  1. Hey, I am not tech savy at all so thank you for telling this lol. Being a musician with talent is more important than being a musician who is tech savy lol. Anyway, I will look into the external usb drive you mentioned. Are they kind of like those flash cards other people brought up? I was always told when you delete something it is really not gone. Which is why I ask about deleteing.
  2. Hey, I appreciate you response and everyone elses. I am now considering skipping the portable thing so I can record with audacity then burn to cd. I plugged my keyboard today into the pc and it recorded fine with the audacity software. My fear is that I am going to fill this computer up with many hours of music . I am used to recording on cassette where when the tape stops it is done. My computer says I have 48.1 GB free space and 7.68 GB used space. It sounds like I have alot of free space. I wan't to have peace of mind when the recorder is on and I am playing. What is the best way to delete the audio files I make after I burn them to cd?
  3. Sounds good to me. I'm proably going to buy edirol ro-9.
  4. Hey, that was alot of great advice! Thank You for telling me about SonicStage being hard to use. I am going to study the newer recording devices you mentioned. I am not doing overdubs at this time. I am recording piano, synth and drum samples I compose to be sold to music producers. The only fear I have in bringing the flash cards to the pc, is that I will fill my pc up with audio. I have many hours of music saved on cassette so I believe this may happen. Do you have any idea what someone who want's to record live and store many many hours of music should do? Sorry, but I am going to look into one of the newer devices. I hope you sell what you are trying to sell! I know in Japan minidiscs have a bigger following than in America and Europe.
  5. Hey, lol I can imagine the minidisc is much better than the cassette. You have a good point when you say the 45 minute minidiscs will sound better than cassette. I gotta go high quality to impress people, and I believe I can pull that off with the minidisc format. What newer mini disc recorders are you selling?
  6. Where do I find the hi-sp discs you mentioned and what do they sell for? Is Sonicstage user friendly? How many hours of music can I put on each one of those flash cards for the PCM-D50? If I wan't to plug a keyboard in is the feature I need to look for called"line in"?
  7. I am now recording with a $30 Sony cassette recorder that insturments can not be plugged into. What do you mean when you say do not expect miracles? Will the recordings still sound proffesional? Do I need Sonicstage to record for 45 hours? Do all the Sony walkman minidisc recorders offer proffessional recording quality? How many hours can fit into the Sony PCM-D50? Thank You.
  8. I am a musician who records hours of music on a regular basis. I have been asking around about what I should used to record for months without getting a good answer. I finally read about the minidisc format, which looks like something that could work for me. I was amazed when I read I could put 45 hours on one disc! Anyway, I need to know what would be the best minidisc recorder to buy? I believe Sony has a new one out for $400. That price is kind of steep for me. I wan't to hook my Yamaha keyboard into a minidisc recorder and also an electric guitar in the future. Should I be able to do what I mentioned? What minidisc recorder do you recommend? Thank You.
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