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Everything posted by decoupe

  1. I find NWZ-A829 to be great for mass appeal. People have to do more research to find a player to suit their needs. Stop regretting after buying the player and start criticizing it.
  2. Basically what everyone wants : -sony batterylife -ipod large storage (32 -40 is the most ideal) -no click wheel (it sucks) -better supplied earphones -better sq and eq My sister is using a ipod, and she loves the way my sony NW5 and NWA3000 sounds. Frankly speaking, I have more problems with itune than Sonicstage. I like Sonicstage way of having the alphabet at that side, faster access.
  3. decoupe

    Meizu player

    My nwa3000 just died after i stupidly drop it into a pool. I getting tired of waiting for a new 20g payer from sony, so i may get the 800 series or wait for 810 series to arrive in Singapore. I have to another forum and found this meizu player that have a truckload of codec support and function. To see the features http://en.meizu.com/product_m6sl.asp I am not impressed by its design but quite please with its ape and flac support. Its also has a customizable eq which is great. But I want a player that sound good which i found in Sony walkman. So does anyone also have a meizu player ? Is sound quality comparable to Sony ?
  4. decoupe

    A91X new photos

    Hope this version is coming out in Singapore. My nw3000 is gone. Need a high capacity player. Check out youtube for video demo on this walkman:
  5. A808 is still promoted as a new walkman in Singapore. I do think by doing away with sonicstage it will appeal to a wider audience. Although I still looking forward to a higher capacity of 40 gigs, hope it will be available by the time it reaches our shores.
  6. I have the same problem too but i solve it. Try going to tools - option - transfer. Click on your device. Go to transfer setting then advanced. Go to the intelligent feature tab and unclick the the intelligent feature. It should work. Anyone with a better solution please post.
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