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  1. Thanks! I will see whether I can find the old OMGRIGHTS.... Felicia Yip Felicia
  2. So it appears Sony's DRM prevents the rightful owner of self-recorded material from playing it back when moving it onto a different computer, or changing hardware, or reinstalling Windows. If my car stopped working after I changed tyres, I'm sure the car maker would be liable. So my question is has anybody figure out grounds to sue Sony for its inane Digital Rights Management? Is there a class action suit somewhere? Given how damaging SonicStage can be, should Sony be forced to recall it?
  3. I've recorded three years of irreplaceable, personal, non-copyright material in OMA files. Then Windows started playing up, so I recovered it from the recovery partition on my IBM laptop. I backed up and restored my OMA files using Explorer. Now my files won't play any more. I've read posts here and elsewhere that basically say nobody has been able to decrypt OMA files. Sony has been unhelpful and while people in these forums have suggested Sony might have the technical means to help, there's no report of Sony actually having helped. I've found some programs that claim to be able to bust the DRM, but they don't work. It seems that the same company sells the same program under multiple names, but that the program doesn't do what it does (at least not as far as Sony's DRM is concerned). They don't answer emails. Had I read these forms earlier, I would have known to convert the OMA files to something unprotected like WAV or MPG.... however, it's now too late for that. So my question is whether there is anything that can be done on the basis that I'm trying to play the files on the computer on which they were originally recorded? How does SonicStage determine that it is on a "different" computer? Does Sony somehow still have a copy of the key tied to my computer as originally configured?
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