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  1. I guess RM-MC40ELK displays levels when recording. Would love to have it, bu it guess it's still a little bit to expensive. Does any other remote show levels? I thought RM-MC38EL would, but apparantely it doesn't :-(
  2. Hi! It's my first post here, but I've been an MD user and MDC forum reader for years :-) What happened to me, was that, all of a sudden, my ECM-719 mic just lost one channel. When plugged in, the rec level shows nothing on the left channel, however, when the recording is played back, you can hear a noticeable hum on the left channel. I didn't drop the mic, nor pulled the wire or anything. No chances of sudden mechanical damage in the meantime. The MD recorder (MZ-RH10) was double checked with another mic and it just works fine. I haven't got much hope for repair, as it probably would be as expensive as a new mic. But before I throw it away, have you heard of such a failure or a possible fix for that? Thanks! dzerry
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