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About isitworthit

  • Birthday 01/03/1910

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  • PlayStation Network ID
    mz-nh1; MZ-NH900

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    Filmaking. Getting things done; getting rid of things i don't need; not getting things i don't need; raw photography.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. certanly looks like an MD disc drive - i'll take your word for it. also resembles the mac in some ways. it seems that buying one would be 98% pointless unless one could transfer data to PC. However, that 2% becomes a little more signficant - if not significant enough if one happened to come accros such a machine and morover, if one could take the MD bits out and put them into ones own machine - even for the hell of it. And then theres always the hope that someone might be able to mess around with the MD player and make it do things that it's makers didn't think it was capable of?
  2. 3 years ago: i was probably pissed like i am now, with the same problems then as i have now although this time i'm doing something about it (e.g., how to transfer stuff to PC and related qns). . Came accross by chance then (google or via minidisc.org) but only participated now - like yesterday (whilst pissed again) - but had i botherd to participate back then then i would have been an expert now and being one of those would have given me more initative and confidence in doing more field recordings in some remote part of the world whilst pixxed probably (that of course doesn't work and have destroyed 2 cameras as a result but what i have lacked in professionalism i have gained in experience etc but thats a second best)
  3. thats how far removed i am from competence but i tell you what, this forum talk is a million times better then popping into shops and asking questions all the time. Invariably i get the wrong answers anyway... rh1 then - and more gear but at least it's small gear and good gear. I liked your reply to the classified! thanks.
  4. by MDLP deck i suppose you mean a large desktop video player size thing? well i probably would get one - temp. No Sony never did but the occasional logic might make one conclude otherwise. i prefer intuition and a helping hand as guide to some things. 99.9 billion turnover ain't bad though. didn't record via sonic stage but direct from mic but i don't expect that changes anything... as clear as it's going to get - thanks.
  5. Thanks for the welcome! A journey not worth going on then! If the MD market was large enough then perhaps they would design an MD device that one could fit into say 5.25 inch PC tray just like they do with hard drives but i expect that such a thing might not be a massive MD user requirement. Anyway, i've dropped it twice allready today! See yer around. D
  6. new to forums and of MD usage. thanks for reply. can these devices still be got or would their limitations (if any exist) make the excercise pointless?
  7. i am a beginer to forums, and minidisc usage (or rather, i have made a few recordings using a MD player and nothing more) so your help would be appreciated. I want to transfer the recordings i have made (on my nh1) to my PC but i gather from what i have read thus far that it may not be - or is not - possible since these recordings - whilst recorded using a Hi-MD enabled device - were recorded onto netMD discs and it this that is causing me the problem. The message i am getting from sonic stage is: "Unable to transfer the following tracks to My Library because they are recorded by Net MD or another computer". in the help section i am told that: "The following tracks on a Net MD (marked with ) may not be able to be transferred back to My Library on your computer: Tracks transferred from another computer Tracks recorded using a device other than a computer (for example, an MD deck)". What - if anything must i do?
  8. internal minidisc player for PC - did it ever exist?
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