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Everything posted by mrfixit454

  1. First off, I want to thank Avrin for the "Ultimate Vista version" and for the most part solving my problems. I had been battling for 3 straight evenings trying to get my mini disc loaded w/ a 5 cd lecture CD on Calmer Parenting. I have a MZ-NE410 that I bought several years ago. I loaded 5 of my favorite CD's on it when I first got it and I used Win XP pre service packs to do it. I am guessing 2002 time frame. I used it on and off for years on that same disc. To this day I only use it when I cut the grass as the palm TX is what I use now. The wife wanted to be able to listen to these Parenting CDs all at once in one easy device that she could use in the house, in the car and on walks, continuing where she left off. Instead of buying her an ipod or equivalent, we decide to save a few $$$ and resurrect the Walkman. So I ordered 5 more discs and I tried to load the CD's w/ my Sonic Stage 1.5 on my win XP PC. Had to re-install the SW as it did not work (currently under XP SP2) After I did this, the PC would crash and reboot every time I tried to transfer to the 410. Decided to try SS 1.5 on my Vista laptop. Found out that I needed new SW for this laptop from Sony Website so I loaded Sony's SS 4.3 and all patches and drivers. I got about 1 of the 5 cd's transferred to the 410 but when I transferred too many files at once or files larger than 3 minutes, the laptop would crash and give the BSOD w/ the IRQL_less_ than_ or_equal message, or something like that. It was hit or miss when it would happen. It would take forever to convert the file and longer to transfer it. I would try them one file at a time. Finally when I got to the 3rd CD, it would no longer transfer files. I can't tell you how many hours I spent on this. I almost gave into an Ipod! I searched for an alternate SW and I remember reading about using Nero instead years back. I came across this forum and tried your ultimate version this morning on my Vista Laptop and as luck would have it, it transferred the remaining 3 CDs in a heartbeat and I had only one crash with the BSOD and the same message as before. No biggy as one time in 3 cd's is better than almost on ever file transfer before this. I want to try this version on my XP PC to see how it work there. Again, thanks fort all you hard work and effort to help us here. Your all in one package is pretty slick. Take Care MrFixit Westminster CA
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