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  1. Wow! I also bought a pair of Grado SR60i two weeks ago as I had read loads of reviews that praised them highly. I too find them to be brilliant when used with the RH1. I also bought the accessory headphone case which is a must to prevent them getting damaged - they aren't the most portable of headphones in terms of packing them away - but if you want the best sound they are the best 'phones in their price range by a country mile.
  2. Thanks Greenmachine. I will test my set-up at a pub gig at the weekend.
  3. Hi Hoping you guys can shed some light on my problem - I've posted this elsewhere but as yet no response. I have recently bought a pair of binaural mics to use with my MZ-RH1 and a battery box without bass roll-off. I intend to record live rock and pop concerts, both indoor and outdoor. I decided to test the new mics by recording some rock music played on my stereo at a loud but reasonable level. The results using the mics and battery box connected to the Line-In input gave a very low recording level and a very quiet recording. I have set the record levels manually and I found that I have to crank the record levels up to max (30 on my RH1) to give only 2 or 3 bars on the RH1 meters - is this normal? Perhaps the battery box is to blame - It carries a single 1.5 volt AA battery. I have read that most battery boxes use a 9 volt battery. Would a 9 volt supply allow increase the amount of gain I could apply? The mic capsules are a pair of Panasonic WM-61s. Any help would be most welcome.
  4. Well I have also bought a pair of these mics to use with my MZ-RH1 and a battery box without bass roll-off. I intend to record live rock concerts. I decided to test the new mics by recording some rock music played on my stereo at a loud but reasonable level. The results using the mics and battery box connected to Line-In input gave a very low recording level and very quiet recording. I have set the record levels manually and I found that I have to crank the record levels up to max (30 on my RH1) to give only 2 or 3 bars on the RH1 meters - is this normal? Perhaps the battery box is to blame - It carries a single 1.5 volt AA battery. I have read that most battery boxes use a 9 volt battery. Would a 9 volt supply allow increase the amount of gain I could apply?
  5. Hi I'm a real newbie where recording is concerned. I have recently purchased an MZ-RH1 and a set of microphones and a battery box from ebay UK (see link for the binaural mics I bought) I also bought a battery box so that I could use Line-In to record live rock concerts. I decided to test the new mics by recording some rock music played on my stereo at a loud but reasonable level. The results using the mics and battery box gave a very low recording level and very quiet recording. I have set the record levels manually and I found that I have to crank the record levels up to max (30 on my RH1) to give only 2 or 3 bars on the RH1 meters - is this normal? Perhaps the battery box is to blame - It carries a single 1.5 volt AA battery. I have read that most battery boxes use a 9 volt battery. Would a 9 volt supply allow increase the amount of gain I could apply? (moderator fixed the link so it is clickable)
  6. Thanks Grahame I'm going to get a pair of these mics plus a plain batt box. My RH1 arrived this morning so I'm good to go
  7. Thanks Grahame I'm going to get the mics and a plain batt box. My spanking new MZ-RH1 arrived today, Grado SR60i's are on order, batch of Hi-MD blanks on their way - in business!!!! BTW where do you buy your Hi-MD blanks from? Cheapest I've seen is £13.95 for 3 plus Around £1.75 postage. Anyone better this deal?
  8. So the mics seems good that's good news as it seems there is dificulty in obtaining binaural mics in the UK (at least thorough interrnet searching has found very little). Do you know if the vendor has used matched capsules? Shame about the batt box, but as you say it could be a problem with the inputs on your MZ-N1. I wonder if the ebay guy does a batt box without bass roll-off? Maybe cheaper and if the bass roll-off proves to be working incorrectly there's no point in having it. Also are the bass roll-off switches mounted on the inside or the outside of the batt box? I have seen some batt boxes with the switches on the inside of the batt box. This seems like a hassle as this particular batt box had a cover secured with screws meaning stealth adjustments of bass roll-off would be very difficult at a gig for instance (fiddling around with a screwdriver and torch in the dark!!). Hoping you can update soon and thanks for taking the trouble - i appreciate it. As a noob I need all the advice I can get.
  9. Any news on the new mics? Really thinking about buying a pair and a batt box. I'm a complete noob, but a serious concert goer. Hoping to capture lots of bands live with my new RH1 bought from Amazon. It should be arriving any day now!!! Also buying a pair of Grado SR60i headphones - I've done a lot of research and these definitely seem to be the best 'over the ear' open backs on the market at their price range. Old fashioned looking but totally kick-ass sound. Anyhow, if I wanted to look good I'd get an ipod.
  10. I'd be very interested in how they perform - any chance of some feedback when you get them?
  11. Hi Anyone know of a source for quality binaural mics and a battery box in Europe, preferably the UK? I would like to use American suppliers such as sound professionals but they use UPS delivery which is a joke when it comes to ott hidden customs clearance fees. I would have used Greenmachines but he is no longer selling his microphones. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. I'm looking for a pair of new 'phones and I like the look of the AKG K450 model. Has anyone on here used them or can they recommend them at all?
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