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    Sharp MD-MS722

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  1. Thanks everyone for your input. I probably should have clarified that my first priority is a line in for my MP3 player so it would seem getting a new CD stereo with an aux in is by far the easiest option. It's just that I have no need for a CD player in the car (they'll only get scratched) and I have a load of old minidiscs that would get a new lease of life if I had a deck in the car. I have a Mazda MX5 so there's no room for a changed and to be honest half the appeal is having something on full view that says "Yes, I love minidiscs"! Ah well, looks like it wasn't to be
  2. That's what I meant by workaround. I've seen things like the PC7-100 Sony Unilink adapter which does a similar thing I believe. Just wondered if there was a stereo which had a line in without adapter as I'm trying to keep the budget low.
  3. Sorry if this has been asked a hundred times before but I'm looking for a MD car stereo with a line in so I can have the best of both worlds (mp3 player and MD). I thought there would be plenty out there but the ones I've found require you to use a cable to fool the stereo in to thinking a CD changer is connected. Does anyone know of any models that feature a line in on the front or rear without using the CD changer workaround? Thanks!
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