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    Sony MZR70, Sharp MT770

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  1. i had purchased a battery box years ago and now i want to build my own similar to what was matched with my mics. i took the HUGE battery box apart to find that it was super small, i don't know why they put it into such a large shell except to make me think i was getting my money's worth. anyway, i've checked the hand drawn schematic in this thread and it looks very similar to what was inside my battery box, my question though is: the + lead from the 9V battery was disconnected when i disassembled the battery box and i'm not sure what it went to. the negative lead is connected to the two resistors though, which seems backwards compared to the schematic shown in this thread. originally the mics and battery box mated via an XLR connector, what i want to do is hard wire the mics directly to the battery box and have a 1/8" plug come out of the battery box to go into my recorder. i made one of these years ago so this is not totally new. i guess what i'm asking is, would there be something wrong with replicating my old battery box with the +/- reversed from what the schematic here says, and if so where would the + from the 9V go then? also, if i do follow the schematic from the picture, where does the ground from the 9V battery attach to? thanks from an electronics novice.
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