Hi, I'm a new user to the MD world as a result of buying a car (2003 Honda) which has a MD player. I was given a user recorded MD which works perfectly in the car - sounds excellent and displays track and title infomation on the car computer dispay. (Car is an ex japan import with all manner of bells and whistles) I purchased a s/hand MZR500 to have a look. This one had a fault (no audio out) so I found another brand new MZR500CK (same thing with a car kit) which plays back perfectly. I've tried recording a disk (new, supplied with the kit) using optical out from a Panasonic DVD, playing an audio CD. This disk recorded ok and plays fine in the (working) R500, but when put into the car player , the display says "data disk" and no output. So both the user recorded MDs play fine in the R500 but only one will play in the car. Is there a process that that needs to be done after recording (eg finalizing?) I also attempted to get into the system setup of the faulty R500 using the process given in other posts (hold switch on, press and hold vol -, then right, right, left, left,...etc) and also in the Sony service manual - didn't work. Is there more to it? Thanks for any help Peter