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    Sony MZ- R500

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  1. Thanks for the reply. Re-recording the disk in standard SP mode was the fix, thanks, now plays perfectly in the car. I have removed the bottom of the player and verified (but only by inspection) that the audio out connector is still attached. I'll resolder and see what that does, but no great loss if it doesn't fix it as I have the other player that works correctly and I can record disks for the car with this one. Thanks once again
  2. Hi, I'm a new user to the MD world as a result of buying a car (2003 Honda) which has a MD player. I was given a user recorded MD which works perfectly in the car - sounds excellent and displays track and title infomation on the car computer dispay. (Car is an ex japan import with all manner of bells and whistles) I purchased a s/hand MZR500 to have a look. This one had a fault (no audio out) so I found another brand new MZR500CK (same thing with a car kit) which plays back perfectly. I've tried recording a disk (new, supplied with the kit) using optical out from a Panasonic DVD, playing an audio CD. This disk recorded ok and plays fine in the (working) R500, but when put into the car player , the display says "data disk" and no output. So both the user recorded MDs play fine in the R500 but only one will play in the car. Is there a process that that needs to be done after recording (eg finalizing?) I also attempted to get into the system setup of the faulty R500 using the process given in other posts (hold switch on, press and hold vol -, then right, right, left, left,...etc) and also in the Sony service manual - didn't work. Is there more to it? Thanks for any help Peter
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