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  1. No thumping/clicking/banging. The drive is quiet. Is heard only when the head moves. Everything is clean and washed. There are no jams. I did know that. 1mm is a lot but I've wonted to try any possible setting. MD recorded on R500 are played very good. It's spin down after 5-6 second when it starts a truck(buffor ok). In r500 the best position of the magnetic head is when the laser beem focus on the black, ferrite core, when it's bend to it's normal, recordnig position. Not working here. The same head works fine in R500 so it have to be elektronics(possible that this may by a spin controle failure). How to upload a new firmware to this device? Still hole disk was recorded. No locks or errors but outer tracks can't be played fluently. I will attach some photo later.
  2. Everything is clean. The magnetic system is set correctly. Checked all the settings within a radius of 1mm. As now is the best and the same as it was set in R500. I do not think that was the problem with the head. This may be a bad angle between the MD and the optical system but rather it is a problem with the electronics or the settings in the service menu. Unfortunately, the service is a little on the subject. When connected to a computer can I change the names of tracks, erase the whole plate or individual tracks. Unfortunately, lack of proper record.
  3. Hi every one!! First of all I wont to apologise for my bad English. I've got a MZ-N505 recorder. It's old but still in a good shape. But recently I started experiencing some worrying symptoms. I recorded the MD. But only half (from the beginning) was rade . The rest of the tracks can't be played. And so on every disc. All tracks are recorded in theory, but only half of them plays well. Laser head was mounted from another device. Still no change. If anyone would have an idea for the repair of this equipment I was grateful for the assistance. P.S. Flexible ribbon on both heads are ok. Work fine on my R500.
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