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    mz-nh9oo, dvd recorder

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  1. I have a lot of music recorded from my own CDs onto HI-MDs via Sony MZ-NH900. I want to get them into MP3 format (eventually on a MAC), but Sonic Stage rejects efforts to upload because they were "recorded on another computer." Is there software or hardware that will accomplish this?
  2. is there a way to convert my HI-MD music to MP3? I have a Sony MZ-NH900, but when I try to upload music , Sonic Stage rejects it as having been recorded on another computer. ((my goal is a MAC)
  3. is there a way to convert my HI-MD music to MP3? I have a Sony MZ-NH900, but when I try to upload music , Sonic Stage rejects it as having been recorded on another computer. ((my goal is a MAC)
  4. bumpo

    hi-md to mp3

    I have a filled a lot of Hi-MDs with music from CDs I own, using a Sony MZ-NH900. When I try to upload the songs to my PC Sonic Stage rejects them (with an error message saying they were recorded on another computer). My goal is to get the music onto my MAC. Is software or hardware available to do this?
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