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Reg Price

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  • Sony Products I Own
    MZ RH1

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  1. Thanks for your comments. I am returning this unit for a refund. Don't get me wrong, this is a great recorder and sound quality is fantastic. However with the jog lever problem happening so quickly and no way to transfer old files onto Mac this is not for me. So now I'm left with a Hi-MD disc that I can't play!
  2. My MK-RH1 is just 3 months old and I think the jog lever is faulty. When I select the next track it sometimes selects another track or goes backwards! Same when in record and I manually adjust the level with the jog lever it's eratic. Anyone else experience this? Should I send it to Sony UK? Anyone know where to send it? Many thanks from Reg Price
  3. Thanks I've been pressing record then pause so I'll try your way next time I record
  4. Well I think we established there's a double 'pop' when you change track on the MZ-RH1. I must say that I contacted Sony and they didn't have much to say about this so it must be a design fault. Shame. It's also a shame that I can't transfer old MD tracks to my Apple Mac but I'll have to live with this. Another issue I have is when you record from a source via line in. On other minidisc machines I go into record then pause to check sound levels before I record. On the MZ-RH1 when I do this I get an extra track with no duration. I hope I made myself clear so how do others overcome this problem?
  5. More of a double "pop" sound. Did you hear it dixiesang?
  6. That is probably the answer! ozpeter
  7. Thanks for your replies. I'm glad others have heard the "pop" sound and I agree it should not happen. I hear it on the supplied headphones and my Sennheiser PX100 headphones. I don't hear it when I connect through my hi fi using line out or headphones out which is very strange. I know it's only a small sound and I should really get over it. I used to own a MZ-910 which I loved until my house was burgled so the MZ RH-1 is a replacement. It has some really nice features but it's a shame about the poor connection to a Mac computer. I wish this could be resolved so I could upload some of my old minidisc tracks.
  8. I just got a replacement MZ RH1 unit and it does the same thing so maybe this is normal. I'm amazed that nobody else has heard it. As I said before, when I slide the jog lever to change tracks, just before the track plays there is an audible "pop". Please note this is a split second before the music plays and is a much lower volume. I even hear it with the volume turned down. I'm not using mp3 but atrac tracks. I've even tried older minidiscs as well as a 1GB HD-MD and the sound is still there. I'm going to connect it up to my hi fi to see what happens and also try copying a track to another MD machine to see if it's still there.
  9. Thanks for your reply but I have the beep in the off position. The sound is more of a "pop" that is heard when I press the jog lever. It can be heard through the headphones with the volume turned right down.
  10. I just bought an MZ-RH1 and it's great but I think there could be a problem. If I use the jog lever on the unit or remote to select the next track there is an audible click just before the track starts. This is annoying, please advise if I should return the unit as faulty or this normal. Many thanks from Reg Price
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