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Everything posted by jimbo561

  1. Ok, I understand now. Thanks. I'm guessing that the overlap is not of a constant size then? Is there any way of doing single tracks automatically? Is there, for instance, (don't laugh) a command line interface, or an API, or something? I can't find any evidence that there is. I thought maybe that transferring every other track would fix it, but it doesn't.
  2. Thanks, but don't really relish the prospect of editing 1000s of tracks once transferred. I was really hoping for a response from the support team or somebody who had experienced a similar problem and had found a solution.
  3. This thread seems to be quite old so I hope this reaches someone. I think this is a bug to do with buffering in the software. I have some MDs with tracks which run into each other. When transferring from the MZ-RH1 to a PC using sonicstage 4.3 (or ultimate) on Vista or XP, the pop that you hear at the start of the transferred track is actually the end of the previous track. This happens when multiple tracks are selected for transfer and doesn't happen when the tracks are selected and transferred singly. When converted to a .wav file, I estimate (with audacity) that approximately 20000 samples of the previous track remain at the start. If PCM transfer is selected, the problem almost goes away but only because the same number of samples occupies a shorter time. I cannot find any setting or option which might have any bearing on this problem. The difference between single and multiple transfer is easily seen by looking at the difference in the sizes of the files produced. Any suggestions?
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