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  • Sony Products I Own
    Sony Hi-MD MZ-RH1, Sony Alpha 700

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  1. Hello, Is a 1 gb Hi-MD, that I used in the past Is a live recording with microphone only one track are recorded I can play the disc and the file (the recording) without problem In the PC of a friend I can transfer OK I try to re-install SonicStage again Thank you.
  2. Hello, I upload tracks in the past, There is that I hate from SonicStage, ramdomly run bad, without reason, Thanks
  3. Hello, I can't transfer my records to SonicStage, I start SonicStage, connect the MZ-RH1, select one of the record file (PCM, Hi-SP or Hi-LP, I try with all) and when click on "transfer to my library" button nothing add to my library, In the superior right corner of the window of SonicStage, just under the "connect button", appear for a little time a percent indicator, but is so strange, its appear and dissappear quickly when the file that I try to transfer are recording of up 1 h. duration, I try to re-install SonicStage more than one times, but I have no results, The rest of the function (in the SonicStage, in the MZ-RH1) are normal, Please help me, P.D.: SonicStage is version 4.3 Thank you in advance
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