firstly, hello - have just registered on this forum
and sorry if i've posted this question in the wrong location and also if it has been asked/answered lots of times already - i did spend a few hours going through old posts, but to be honest i didn't understand too much of it
have recently got a new laptop with windows 7. Had thought i'd transferred all music files to an external hard drive - but wasn't too thorough - but no matter have still got most of my music on Hi-MD disks..
I used sonic stage 3.4 on my previous laptop (windows XP) which worked fine with my MZ-RH1, i even managed to transfer older MD files from disks recorded on my MZ-R900 - but all onto 1gig disks
Loaded ss3.4 onto my new laptop yesterday and transferred across the files i'd saved on the external harddrive and then connected the MD player via usb - nothing - cant see it in windows explorer, or on ss
but for some reason the simple md burner picks it up straight away and i can see all of the tracks no problem..?
so spent many hours last night removing and reloading 3.4, then 4.3 - no different, then after lots of searching on here i downloaded the 'ultimate' version - no different..
I'd be so happy if someone could say "ahh - you forgot about this...." and point me to a fix???