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  • Sony Products I Own
    sony vaio VGN-FW560F

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  1. Deemster

    MOTION EYE problem

    I didn't upgrade my OS.It's come with Windows7. But , why would I need to reinstall the original OS, if camera works?
  2. Deemster

    MOTION EYE problem

    I just solve that problem by shutting down computer by pressing the button, unplugging wall charger, battery for 30 sec. It's did the trick.I have my camera back! Interestingly, that it's never came as an option with my "tech support" from India. Hmmmm...
  3. Deemster

    MOTION EYE problem

    Hi, I have dead Motion eye camera on my VGN-FW560F. Try to chat with Sony. Reinstalled Webcam companion 3 Make sure it doesn't interfering with Skype or other 3d parties. No results. Today could't even got through to the chat operator. Was on phone hold for 45 min.Finally pretty aggressive guy on the line got to my computer and uninstalled HDMI driver.... Camera doesn't work. IT's not even in the Device manager. He told me to restore the whole computer to the factory setting. Because of the camera???? Is it only the way? They don't even have driver for it without those whole 40mb stuff in the Webcam companion I had to reinstall few times. Please, any ideas other then that one? Thanks, Deemster
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