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  1. Problem gone! Turns out a video editing program I recently installed (ULead) was responsible. Uninstalled it and everything is now fine. Thanks for the suggestions, not at all weird by the way, just never thought to look at video editing software to be the culprit.
  2. In addition, if I go to the default folder SonicStagePackages and play any of the tunes they sound fine, it's only when played through SonicStage that the sound is squirrely. That is the best way to describe the sounds I'm hearing, a group of squirrels having a fight , or perhaps some insects swarming, making a hell of a lot of noise. I've also noticed that the elapsed time of the track being played seems to be correct, in other words the track isn't being played fast, it just sounds as if it is.
  3. To be more specific, and at the risk of dating myself, the transferred CDs sound like a cassette tape being fast-fowarded, like a bunch of squirrels arguing. It's NOT like playing a 33rpm record at 45 rpm, but it is like those old tape machines with a fast foward button
  4. Looking for any help with a recent problem I'm having. I have SonicStage 4.3 running on a mid-level computer running Windows 7 Pro. The installation of SonicStage worked perfectly until recently, the problem is that any CDs I've transferred now play only at high speed, all other transfers such as ones from MiniDisc or Mp3s play fine, it's only the songs located in the default folder Program Data/SonicStage/Packages that are screwed-up. I uninstalled and reinstalled SS 4.3 but no change, any new discs I transfer also play at high speed. Any ideas on a solution?
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