I'm in no way a sony fanboy. But for some reason I've always ended up using sony stuff. My first cd-player, my vaio notebook, vaio pocket, and now the hd5. I love my hd5 by the way. To me, sony mp3 player is always somewhat technically advance, but never really appeal (or well-known) to general public. For example, atrac. It's been proven to be much better than mp3 at the same bit rate. But most average consumers wont appreciate the format and feel frustrated that they have to convert their mp3 collections into something else. Not many realizes that the 20G sony player could actually be a 30G-40G player! Another example, the concept of "unit" on hd5. I think it's a wonderful feature that's not in iPod. But I hardly hear ppl talk about it. About the line-out sound quality, I think vaio pocket and hd5 are on par with the iPod. I've tested all the units with my HD-600 and supermacro v3 headamp. Not much difference there. Honestly, I don't like the looks of the new sony network walkmans much. But maybe, sony will surpise me with some "hidden" advance technologies and features that not many will know about. And that's the reason why I may still "stick" with sony.