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  1. fantaboy00

    NW-HD3 Question

    in sonic stage, it tells you how much disk space is left ( u start off with about 18.6GB) and if you expand your folders, the tracks are numberd, (windows calculator comes in handy)
  2. note: with that setup, u cant transfer to your player tracks that 1. have been transfered to the pc from another player, 2. bought from connect but anything else will fly
  3. well i gave up on connect, i networked the 2 PCs and shared the sonicstage folder and hey presto! i can transfer music on another pc to my pc and thus... wait for it!!! to the player!! it helps if your primary pc is a laptop!!
  4. Hi guys has anyone had similar problems? it all started when the pc i was using with my hd3 packed up, it never said anything about authorizing new pcs. when i bought a new pc and plugged my hd3 to it, sonicstage said i have to delete everything!!! almost 15gb of music i had collected in about 6 months. i hessitated and contacted support but all they kept doin was copying and pasting the user manual and sendin them to me. eventually i gave up and initialized the HDD I plugged the hd3 to the computer and then sonicstage prompted me to authorize it. The first time i clicked ok, sonicstage said because i wasnt in the US i couldnt connect to the site.... which is wierd becos i got my player in the UK, use it in the UK, used connect to buy music from the UK previously. anyways i rebooted the pc and that seemed to cure the non US computer bug except when i try to authorize it, it just says "registering device to connect please wait..." i left it and went to work and now am back 8 hours later and it still hasnt registered i decided to use another pc and i got the "initialize disk" message which is dumb cuz theres nuthin on it. i did initialize the disk again cuz i had nuthin to loose. except this time this 2nd PC doesnt ask me to authorize.... am worried that maybe another 10-15gb along the line i would need to use another pc and wont be able to. anyways i can transfer from the 2ND PC without authorizing, the 1ST PC wont transfer and prompts to authorize but takes ages and doesnt do anything. can anyone shed light on how to proceed or on what might be happening that i cant easily see thanx in advance
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