This issue may have been addressed above, but I'm not tech-savvy enough to follow a lot of the discussion. If the answer was addressed, please direct me back to the appropriate post.
I have an MZ-M200. My laptop is running Windows 7 Professional. Like the others, it will not recognize the device, indicates the driver is missing, does a search for drivers and comes up empty.
I tried downloading & installing 4.3 Ultimate, but get the same problem.
I didn't see the MZ-M200 driver among the specific ones listed on the download section. Is it hopeless getting the device to run on this computer, or is there a fix out there? If there is a driver available, please let me know where I can download it. I think I saw a comment in the thread that this model might be a problem.
When I got the computer, I was concerned because I had an old copy of Filemaker that I knew wouldn't run on System 7. When I asked the salesperson what to do, she had me upgrade to 7 Professional, saying that it would allow my version of Filemaker to run, which it does. I was hoping this might work the same with my MD, but no dice.
I got it specifically to transfer my MD files to a backup hard drive, since MD appears to be going away. It was recommended that I get this device (by Minidisc Access) to do this. It never occurred to me that it might not run on Windows 7. When I couldn't get it to recognize the product, I wrote Sony & they said it wasn't compatible with Windows 7. I use the device on my old laptop, running XP,where it works just fine, but would prefer to use my new one if possible. Any suggestions?
Joel Cee