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Everything posted by kouranko

  1. Thanks David, that is cheaper than the ones I had found, but will still require a bit of saving on my part. I will keep my eyes open. Yes, a lifetime supply would be good! Molly
  2. HI to you all, and many many thanks for your detailed responses. Sand is an issue, but if I am extremely careful it is probably less of an issue than it being impossible to upload whatever I have recorded and so therefore needing a hard copy, no good filling up an internal memory, I just have to carry either lots of minidiscs or lots of sd cards. I do want to get that music off my old minidiscs, and the RH1 sounds the best but I have looked and they are just way too expensive and hard to find. I will keep my eyes open and maybe get lucky. Did they only do that trick once with letting you get stuff off the discs to your computer? Are the later models back to being stuck with everything on the disc? Silly. The music I record is often very loud drumming. I don't think it is possible for me to get aaa batteries where I go, aa are more available. though they usually last about 5 minutes! it doesnt look like i can go for a long time, but i only wanted to buy one thing, so thought i should get one that will do both jobs, i.e. record my music from old minidiscs to cd and record well if i can get back there. Thanks again fo rall your replies, I am reading them with great interest and appreciation and will keep checking what you have to say! Best wishes, Molly
  3. Hi minidisc people! I used to use minidiscs a lot for recording my music lessons and long, epic histories in West Africa. None of the units are working any more so I am looking for advice on what model to look for, guess I will be looking for second hand on ebay or cash converters. I have heaps of discs I need to get into CD format or whatever so I can edit them and listen to them, so wondering what is a good one that it is easy to download from. I got stuck with the newer ones they didnt seem to want me to put my stuff onto my computer. I am still keen to use minidiscs to record onto if I go back to Africa cos they take batteries and I end up with a hard copy. When I am there, no access to electricity usually, cant be putting things on computers, well no computers, and SD cards seem too tiny and unsafe, and a zoom recorder's good but too big. It is good to have something small and portable. And my husband is a musician from West Africa and loves to record himself so go through the batteries a bit, the recharge lithium makes it too hard. Long time between access to power and charging. So a model that can take AA battery is necessary. They are also a relatively cheap option and I dont have much money, so I am looking for something affordable. I think I have owned 4 minidisc recorders over the years, and I liked the old ones more, but I am not very gadget or technologically minded so need a bit of help! Can anyone advise me what to look for please? Thank you, and happy days, Molly
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