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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Music, Books, Snowboarding, Travel. Just like everyone else right?


  • Headphones
    JVC HA-DX3
  • Amplification
    Creative Soundblaster X-Fi Elite Pro
  • Minidisc units
    Sony MZ-S1, Pioneer MJ-D508, JVC XM-R700

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  1. hmmm, I have an MZ-S1, I'll check my software binder and get back to you.
  2. Indeed. I found a Sony PC that has a built in MD drive, having difficulties translating the manual, but if i does what I hope it does, then I might just pay a pretty penny for one and rip it out for a custom install in my PC. Boggles the mind why Sony of all companies never made PC compatible drive - every MD person I've met is usually pretty tech savvy/PC savvy.
  3. Looks like the MDS-NT1 has built in USB capability. It would be very easy to wire up the USB port on the unit to a free USB header on any mother board. Removing the shell/case may very well chop it down from almost 6" to 5 1/4", but it's to hard to tell from the pictures I've found thus far. Tack on some drive bay rails and you'd be in business. The only problem is power......
  4. Good to know sfbp. I've been kicking around the idea of modifying a car MD deck for use in a PC, but so far I've only come across units that wouidln't meet the form factor of a 5 1/4" basy. My current plan (paper only right now) is to mount a car deck vertically rather than horizontally in a PC utilizing a PC case with 5, 5 1/4" bays. It would take a bit of modificaiton to the 5 1/4" inch bays to mount vertical slots and I would also like to install 1 or 2 CD/DVD/BD units vertically along side the MD car deck. Most car decks are just over 7" wide and the power requirements look like it could be possible. I still need to find a deck that is strictly a head unit with no amp and the biggest obstacle of all will be converting the audio (data) signal into something a PC will recogniz/accept via SATA or IDE ports or even perhaps USB for a nice clean install. The dream is full integration in to the PC, but perhaps the easiest way to go is to come up with a wiring harness to a discerete sound card auxillary ports. Yet another thing to look into. Likely a pipe dream, I know, but I'm going to keep looking into it until I hit a big brick wall. I'll let you all know how it goes.
  5. You guysl rock. I'm very happy to have found such an amazing resource on the interwebs. I've been a huge MD fan since the late 90s and have several different units. I'm still looking for that elusive PC deck that would fit into a 5 1/4" bay - though I'm thinking such a thing has gone the way of the unicorn. I did find a picture of an MD deck for the PC from years ago that was used for data storage and if I remember correctly it was only available in Japan in limited quantities. Has anyone ever seen or heard of something like this?
  6. Thanks SFBP. Guess what. I did a little digging and found that my BIOS had reverted back to F1 (from F6). This board has dual BIOS and for some reason or other I ended up back on F1. I did have to clear my CMOS a while back when making some hardware changes, but that shouldn't have nuked my primary BIOS. Regardless, I'm now back on F6 (latest) and SS is rock solid while running EVE, World of Tanks and playing a Blu-Ray. Various BIOS changes have improved CPU performance and most importantly with version F3 memory performance was drastically increased - I'm thinking this was the problem all along. I consider myself above average tech wise and feel like a dope for not taking this basic step in the troubleshooting process. Thanks for all the sound advice, glad to be part of this community!
  7. Yep, got the 760 driver - awesome stuff. I suspect that there may indeed be some glitches with it. Is anyone doing further development of it?
  8. Yes, sorry guys, I have the drivers installed and I can transfer tracks between SS and my MZ-S1 with no problems. Will look into DEP as well as monitor resources closely when multiple apps are running.
  9. I've experienced the same thing, howver only when transfering from CD to SS. Crash to blue screen. I just recently installed SS 4.3 Ulitmate a few days ago and have had success at archiving CDs to ATRAC lossless. I game at the same time while using SS and occasionally I get blue screen memory dump error. Is SS really that much of a resource hog? I am using Win7 64bit Pro, 8GB RAM, Radeon 4870, Phenom II 965, Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5, OCZ SSD Agility 2 (C;\ drive), 1TB Seagate 7200 rpm storage. Certainly no slouch of a system, but had no problems running multiple applications until installing SS 4.3 Ultimate. Any thoughts?
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