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  1. Thanks for your info. I have been away, hence my late reply. I am not an audiophile nor do I have sophisticated equipment. I don't want perfection, only what is satisfyingly complete. I chose ATRAC some years ago because I found it superior to MP3 and CD reproduction, not least on compression ability. I rarely record from my CD (RW) player or radio, preferring to record from my computer to play on my JE480. When I mentioned the ONKYO I was assuming it would play Hi-MD recorded from Sonic Stage, which MD decks do not do at the moment. I did have Winamp some years ago, but will look into some other players for their potential.One other extraneous question. Do Lithium-Ion batteries unused survive best when refrigerated? I was informed recently by CNet that they did? My Singapore supplier is no longer available, so who is the best supplier of these batteries at the best price? Thanks again.
  2. Thanks for your replies. I was aware that MD mode had to be used for a disc to play on the deck, but as WMP did not recognise it, I switched to HiMd for recording, hoping the JE480 would recognise it was an MD disc and adjust accordingly. Obviously this was not the case. I have formatted the disc and now have a 'blank disc.' I have the latest 64bit net driver for Windows 7 on my computer. I have Sonic Stage 4.3 Ultimate edition on my computer and discs recorded on the computer (in NetMD mode) play fine on the deck. ( I wish there was a HiMd deck available in Europe, though the Onkyo price would be hugely prohibiting.) I wanted to use the WMP because Sonic Stage is fickle and volatile, but the Ultimate edition seems to be a great improvement on previous editions. I will probably stay with that, and will not install a virtual disk for the sake of a single function which, as you say, will only lead to tears. My humble ambition was to enjoy the basic functions of the deck and the player and, for the moment at least, I can do that. Thanks again.
  3. Can someone please help? I have a MZNH1 MD and a JE480 deck, using Windows 7 Pro, and want to record from my computer music on a Neige 80min. disc so it will play on the deck. There are two problems with this. After the normal recording process was finished, using WMP, my minidisc flashed 'no track' message suggesting there was no recording.The tracks do show up on WMP and can play, but not on the minidisc. The second problem is when I come to play the recorded disc on the deck it flashes HiMd and will not play. When I tried to record the disc using the md mode, Windows did not recognise the player and therefore I could not sync the music. Can someone help? Thanks
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