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  • PlayStation Network ID
    NWA-3000, NW-HD1, NW-HD5, MZ-RH10

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  1. Srazash


    Sorry to geezawolfe! I havn't been on the forums for a while. Are you sure you put ML_SONY.dll file into you Plugins folder? Thats should be: C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins Alternatively try SWEX, based off of ML_SONY code... i use this and am attempting to produce a .NET based alternative, but SWEX is great and portable - no installation (i just keep it on my walkman!): SWEX 32 Using this is easier than with what youve said of your experiences with winamp. You need to drag the mp3 files into the walkman in swex NOT THE FOLDERS OF MP3s ... doesn't detect them.
  2. Srazash


    For those of you out there that hate having to manually set up the files in your walkmans OMGAUSIO folder here is a little tool i have made. It needs to sit on the walkmans root directory and run it from there. If you have formatted your walkman it will detect an absence of the OMGAUDIO folder and produce it with the appropriate files inside, if it already exists it will completely replace it. Great for use with both ML_SONY & WinAmp and SWEx!!! Just unzip to your walkman. THIS IS A VBS FILE, IF YOU ARE SUSPICIOUS THEN DON'T USE IT OR TEST WITH ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE! Take no risks! Thanx
  3. Srazash


    To Geezerwolf and Angerjas: When you have done the 'send to: walkman...' thing, go to the walkman under devices. and at the bottom right hand side of the media library window should be the buttons apply and config (apply only appears when you have done the 'send to: walkman...' thing). Assuming you have sent MP3 files (no OGGs, WMAs or anything else!) they should be shown in the walkmans library... once you have done this click 'apply' button and it will pop up with a box saying something like 'tracks: 29... send to walkman?' or something like that (obviously the number of tracks changes in accordance to what you send to it)... basically click the ok or yes button and then the tracks should be sent to the walkman. Dont yank your walkman out of its usb port straight away ! on the bottom left hand side of the library should be buttons saying 'play' and 'enqueue', next to them should be a little counter [updating: 12/134] [current: 33%] wait till that has counted up all the tracks (it is actually transfering them!). when its done the counter should either stop or disappear (ive forgot!) but when that happens your safe to remove your walkman! A little long! but i hope i've been able to help.
  4. Srazash


    Hi... im new to the forum ... I have to agree with cinelolo - this is one of the best things i've found on the net in ages... its absouloutly fantastic that someone is trying something like this otiasj! for ages ipod (grrrrrr ) owners have had loads of alternatives to itunes, but the same has never been true for sony other than for their own connect player and mp3 transfer manager... I just wanted to say i think whats happening here is great and keep up the GREAT work!!!
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