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Arvind Sridharan

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Everything posted by Arvind Sridharan

  1. Ok .. here we go ... I'm having HUGE problems transferring songs to my NW-HD5 walkman and i would like some really really quick support. Here's the situation: (its pretty long so take a cup of coffee before you start reading) I bought my NW-HD5 at Hong Kong October 2005. Ever since it was working damn well till i formatted it. After i formatted it, I installed version 3.1 sonicstage (given with the mp3) onto my laptop. When I tried to transfer songs to the walkman i got this error: On sonic stage i got this error: "Unable to Transfer the track or tracks (followed by a list of only half of the tracks i wanted to be transferred)." On the windows xp taskbar i got this error: "Windows was unable to save all the data for the file I:\OMGAUDIO\10F00\10000000D.OMA. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere." and sometimes on my Walkman it displays: "System Error No.<032>" So the next day i went to Hong Kong and took it to the sony service centre there. The lady transferred one song into my mp3 and it was fine. I asked whether i had to download the latest version of sonicstage and she said yes. So i took my mp3 back home(Guangzhou, China) and downloaded sonicstage 4.3 for asia pacific. I tried transferring songs and it still displayed the error as the one given above. Then i installed the same on another pc and did the firmware update given on this website to my walkman and tried transferring. I could transfer one or two songs at a time but when i tried to transfer around 20 songs (like the Konvicted album by Akon) it would display the same error as above. Then I called the sony support hotline at Hong Kong and he said to install version 3.1 with an OpenMG update on css.ap.sony.com. So i did that on both my laptop and the PC and still the same happened. I could transfer one or 2 songs from my pc to mp3 but when i tried to transfer an album it displayed the same error as above. Then i tried transferring one by one song from an album on my pc to my walkman. It worked for about the first few songs and then after i tried transferring the fourth or fifth song it displayed the same error again. So i took my walkman to the service centre in Guangzhou with my laptop to show the problem. The guy took it inside and said there was no problem with my mp3 and songs could be transferred and its a problem with my pc. But there is no problem at all with my pc because i just formatted it a week ago and its working perfectly fine with all my other software. So I told him that i can't transfer 10 songs at once or 20 songs at once and he took it back inside and said its all fine and that i should try with another pc and that he can't help me because i don't have a sony pc(what a creep he was!! just tried to find a way out of helping me!). So I'm still at the same place with the same error popping up again and again. Someone please give me some good suggestions and procedures so that I can get my mp3 working back to normal again. Please feel free to add me on msn/gtalk (both are arvsr2002@yahoo.com) if you want to chat with me and help me fix the problem. You can also send an email to arvsr2002@Yahoo.com. Thanks a lot. Ok I've just tried it and it has transferred some songs. However, when i try to transfer an artist's songs with three albums or something it doesn't transfer. Sometimes it displays the error above and sometimes on my mp3 it says system error no.<020> or system error<032>. sometimes only an error in windows xp appears.
  2. hey dude... i already connected my player the US version of sonicstage.. so i dunno if the DRM is already affecting the player.. and now i'm using the asia pacific version of it .. do you think installing a earlier version of it would help overcome the problem?? well i have to format the player anyways becasue its been a long time... but if i install the latest version of the asia pacific edition in my computer here and do the same in another pc will i have to go through the problem again?
  3. Arvind Sridharan


    hey... i have a nw-hd5 and i used another pc and downloaded a version of sonicstage... i forgot what region it was.. it was either US or asia pacific... i came back to this pc and i downloaded the latest sonicstage version for US and asia pacific and in both it asks me to initialize the player... how can i get around this thing??
  4. hey dude how am i sposed to open this bin file?? do i just put it in the mp3 or what?? i have a NW-HD 5 btw..
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