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  1. Can share someone the service manual pls?
  2. The key combination is not the same on 764 trust me i tried
  3. Still no solution. Dear sir don't try to fool us with some sweet words. I tried to call sony romania, and they answered me they know about the problem and they don't care. If you are so kind just give us the key combination for the service menu... (for example hold, 5x back 5x play 5x option will put your device in demo mode, so ... it must still be a combination for service menu).
  4. i tried it but didn't work... trust me ( just 5xleft 5xplay 5xright for demo vision) .... please help me
  5. Hello, i just bought a NWZ-S764 and the sound is very low... (at 30) . I read on forums something about "Service Menu Access" but i can't find a way to access it... Please help me:) 10x in advance
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