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Everything posted by durtentyles

  1. "If the floor is milk, chum that sucka and make it butter." Crazylegs

  2. "Y'all moves ain't worth the bit, so what's up with that, P'WUNK?!" - Kuriaki, Beatstreet

  3. "I've been all around the world, you've been all around the world wide web." Bebe

  4. "Never be embarrassed,never be ashamed of your situation or your shortcomings." - Marlon, HK

  5. "Anything you lack is your weakness." Kmel

  6. "I could not go to sleep because I was so obsessed with finishing it so I stayed up for two and a half days editing." -@DanCloudCampos

  7. I never killed anybody, I never raped anybody, I never committed no crimes that weren't honorable. - Tupac

  8. I think I'm a natural-born leader. I know how to bow down to authority if it's authority that I respect. - Tupac

  9. Parents just dont understand. - Will Smith

  10. "Don't let the majority change you by thinking life is the way it is portrayed on TV. Life is not like that. You know what life is." -Remind

  11. "...now im sayin what's on my mind and they dont want that. This is what you made me America." #Tupac

  12. I have a Sony Vaio VPCEH12FX 15.5" laptop. Current Setup: Running 2 monitors (3 total displays including the laptop screen) Goal: Run 3 monitors (4 total displays including the laptop screen) Problem: The laptop's HDMI and VGA outputs are too close together, and only one can be utilized at a time. Partial Solution: To get my second VGA monitor I'm currently using this converter that converts the VGA to USB so I can use a USB port instead of the blocked VGA port. Solution Needed: I want to utilize the blocked HDMI port so I can get a 3rd monitor running (4 displays including the laptop screen). I can't use another USB converter device because its already slowing down the CPU/Memory. Any suggestions on how to access that cramped port? Any other suggestions?
  13. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: still going strong. http://t.co/w5PaPZfz

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