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  1. Sorry for double post, but I solved the problem (for anyone who will have the problem in the future). Just right click on desktop -> graphic settings and then ajust the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for mobile color correction to standard and everything works fine.
  2. Hello @ all. I have a problem with the colors on my VAIO. I just got the laptop from a friend so I don' know how long the problem exists or whats the reason that it occured. The problem is the color on the screen, especially black. It's difficult to describe, so I attached two files. The first one made with a camera to show how it appears on my screen, the second one the original foto. I Hope it's recognizable. If you remember the old lcd-Screens when you tilt these to far back - thats the colors look like on my screen now Dows anyone know what the problem can be? I tried to refresh the driver of the graphics module, but there is no newer one. The craziest thing is: Shortly before the screen turns off (on my computer after 10 minutes), the colors changes to the right ones (as you can see in the second picture) for a fraction of a second, and than it switches off. Is there any setting influencing this? Some more information: There is still Windows Vista on my computer, but I planned to upgrade to 7. But I don't know if this would fix the problem. When I make a screenshot and save the file, its in right color when opening it on another computer. I cannot connect a second monitor now, but I guess it would be the same result. Thanks a lot for reply.
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