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  1. So, what do you guys use nowadays to record MD's? When i connect a (sony) cd player to md my deck, it will sync rec and do autogap and stuff. It's difficult to get some modern (not meant for windows 98) software to do this the same way. i have NET-MD, but once i found out sonic stage is lowering the bitrate even with SP, i stopped using it. I only record through optical. What do you recommend? I manly use a mac (optical out), but a pc is also available.
  2. The first solution, crossfade, doesn't work. 1 sec, 12sec, doesn't make a difference. Making a playlist with silent tracks is a solution, but not very nice i found an itunes plugin, but it's very old and buggy on this version of iTunes.. For your IR problem, you could stick an IR extender on your IR receiver on the MD deck. not very elegant, but should solve the problem
  3. just bought a second-hand je780 for my mac. lucky for me imac has an optical output, but i should get an extra usb > toslink from dealextreme. But i already have a je530 so the je780 is useless... what software should i use on mac os? itunes doesn't have a 2second gap option slightly off topic question, can "music sync" mode only be fired from the remote? i noticed this on several md decks, even not-sony ones.
  4. Hi, i've read somewhere sonicstage transfers music at a lower bitrate than SP even though you set it to SP mode only. When i view the properties of imported music, it states 132kbps for the atrac file which translates to be LP2. This defeats the purpose of transfering my music through netmd in sp mode. When transfering, sonicstage also makes .tmp files in C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp Can't make sense of the content, but it looks like it does another conversion. How should i proceed? i wan't the best quality possible (SP mode).
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