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  1. Thanks! Initially I used CD-R, 700 NB, maximum speed 52x, which perform very well in the cd burner that I have. (My cd burner has a maximum speed of 40x though.) This was problematic. Then I tried a -used, but empty- CD-RW with a maximum recording speed of 4x. That went o.k. with a positive result. Great, I was happy. I also tried the CD-R using several speeds, like 8x, 24x. The result is always the same: The disk seems to be occupied. Using Windows Explorer it takes a while before files with the extension CDA are shown. However, it is not possible to play the files with Windows Mediaplayer V10. The screen of Mwedia Player turns blank. I do not understand the logic in SonicStage: why is the used CD-RW o.k., while the new CD-Rs do not seem to match? Any further ideas and suggestions?
  2. Hello! For the first time I tried to use the option in SonicStage 3.3: Create an Audio CD. After transferring the files I pushed the burn button. SonicStage showed the activity of "transferring files" and after a few minutes the burning process started. The warning light in the CD burner equipment blinked as usual, indicating that files were being burned onto a CD disk. After about 6 minutes a notice appeared saying that the burning process was successful, and I was kindly requested to push the OK buttion in order to eject the disk. To my surprise the disk still is blank. Nothing seems to have been recorded. I tried several times, but without success. My pc indicates that the disk is a blank one and that it can be used. I checked the CD burner by copying a disk. That process was o.k., so there is nothingh wrong with the equipment. Is there anybody on this forum who could help me to find the solution to this -rather strange- problem? Thanks in advance. Ngein
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