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  • Sony Products I Own
    PS1, PS2, PS3 (sold), Wega Flatscreen CRT for NES/SNES

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sydney, Australia


  • Headphones
    Shure SE535 bronze
  • Minidisc units
    MZ-RH1, NH600
  • Microphone Equipment

Hadakajime's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey, I've seen people talking about a workaround related to file conversion quality that involves converting MP3s to WAV then transferring files, or something similar to that. I tried searching for "mp3 wav workaround" but nothing very definitive came up. Can anyone explain what exactly the problem was, and if I should still be concerned about it with an RH1 + SS 4.3 UE? I did find this thread, is it related? For reference, I only use SS as an interface for transferring to my RH1. I don't transfer from the RH1. I use JRiver for ripping CDs to MP3 320kbps CBR, which is then kept in my library and used for transferring to HIMD (SP). I don't maintain any library inside SS. I just import the MP3s, convert/transfer, clear the SS library, then lock the disc.
  2. Haha i pity anyone that dares to try mug me I went to re-rip some CD's.. but they're skipping tracks and I can't find my disc resurfacer. Good think I transfered them to HDD when I bought them.
  3. RH1+HISP+SE535 = xO......

  4. I'm on a long train ride and I have my RH1 in my bag, but I don't have any music for it yet >_< Soon...
  5. One really annoying thing about the 604wifi was that it had a constant hiss in the background from the shared headphones/multi-out port. Thankfully, my RH1 sounds better than perfect.
  6. Itching to get HI-SP on my new RH1

  7. Hi I'm relatively a newcomer to the MD scene. I have had an NH600 and RM-MC40ELK for a few years, but I rarely used it. I haven't really listened to music on a portable device since about 2009. Back then I used an Archos 604wifi, which was pretty good for functionality, but it was bulky and heavy and had long loading times. Eventually my use just petered out and that was it for me. My headphones back then were Etymotic er6i, which eventually died about 2 years ago so I upgraded to Shure SE535 bronze (I'm a big fan of IEM noise isolation). Now recently I have rediscovered my love for music and I have determined that I should couple a high quality source and a high quality player to go with my high quality headphones. Otherwise, something's going to waste. So I have recently bought an MZ-RH1 and a bunch more of HI-MD blanks so I can transfer music at HI-SP. Finally I was able to register today and downloaded the SS4.3UE R2. So I guess I'm all set.. Just need to get the music I want. Regards
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