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    NW-E00f5, NH1,RH910,NS707

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  1. I'm not sure that the A1000 support Atraclossless but the A808 does so if this is true then the A1000 is transfering and converting to lossy and the A808 is transfer the loss less file which would account for the size difference and I'm assuming that both players are reporting the same conversion rate. First, when transfering files is Sonicstage converting the files first and the transfering, If not the an previous converted file is being transfered. Quick check in sonicstage select the option to not delete optimized files. Import a file to one of the players. Find where sonicstage maintians optimized files (most likely under Document/Settings -> All Users -> Sonicstage -> Packages -> Optimized. Not to file size, now in Sonicstage select the option to delete optimized files this will remove this file so that when it is transfered again a new optimized file will be created. Not transfer the same file to the other player and check the optimized directory again. Are the files the same size? If not one file is being converted to AAL and the other to lossy.
  2. Question? Are your files encoded to AAL plus a lossy bit rate. And is Sonicstage set to transfer as-is. The the answer would be that on the A808 Atraclossless are being transfer and on the A1000 lossy are being transfered. Just a thought as to why the A1000 would hold the playlist files and the A800 would run out of capacity transfering the same number of files.
  3. Your situtation indicates that the drive letter for the external drive has changed since importing. In Sonic stage add column to show file path. Is the drive letter the same as the assigned letter for the external drive. For some reason Sonic Stage will still locate and play files stored on external drives even tho the drive letter has changed, but has problems showing properties of the same files.
  4. First make sure the the location to save imported files has not changed in Sonic Stage (under options). Sonic Stage uses this directory to locate album art. If you are using a external drive make sure the drive is on line prior to starting Sonic Stage. I use two external drives for storage of imported files, but maintain the location to save imported files on the main computer. This options keeps my Fringe Folder on the main computer where art is stored but stores my files on the external drive. Sonic Stage has issues but most of them arise from not understanding the program. As with any program it can't be forced to do something it's not designed to do. I've had great sucess with maintaining to separated Sonic Stage databases on to separated computers using the external drives as storage.
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