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Everything posted by beanjam

  1. I'm still scratching my brain as to whether or not get one of these little wonders... But if these questions can be answered successfuly, Sony has me pretty much sold. 1. Battery Life. This aspect has been about the *only* problem keeping me away from the iPod... Does the AW3000 actually reach 35 hours under normal play, or is this just another way for Sony to sell their product? I'm not going to grudge about re-ripping my music collexion to another format should it improve my battery life. 2. Playlists! I want to be able to make playlists ON the player itself... So can someone actually explain WHAT a bookmark is, and how it works, its limitations etc. Is it REALLY an on-the-fly playlist, or does it act as some other feature... If not, is there any chance of Sony EVER releasing firmware to allow users to do this? 3. Is the player THAT sturdy? I've read a few problems with players that get dust under the screen, and more scarily problems with buttons that dont work. Should I actually be worrying about this??? Much thanks for answering these questions
  2. Well in any case I rang up SONY NZ today. What a waste. Apparently there is no known future for the new Walkman series in NZ at all. We have to wait for a marketing meeting in early '06 to determine whether it is suitable to market here. Has Australia started to recieve the Walkmans, as it IS Dec 2? New Zealand now has neither the HD5 OR the A3000 on the website...
  3. Is it just me or have BOTH players (NWA3000 AND HD5) vanished from the Sony Australia site? What does this MEAN? And I was so looking forward to the end of the week...
  4. woo hoo! hopefully that means it wont be long before it makes its way over the ditch to new zealand.. hopefully...
  5. sony has updated its site, including a BUNCH of info on the walkman series and everyting else!! looks like they are trying REALLY hard to sway people to buy this, and they need to! and i think it has worked on me! http://www.sony.co.uk/view/ShowArticle.act...&site=odw_en_GB
  6. thanks a BUNCH for the answers. just one more that i forgot about. on the go playlists. does the aw3000 have them, and what are the pros/cons of it. is it as easy as the ipod to make them?
  7. A few things stopped me from nearly buying a hd5 from reading peoples reviews and complaints about it. I wondered if they had fixed them up yet... I was wondering if a user could answer these questions... 1. People were saying that the hd5 could only be used on ONE computer, preventing the transition between work computers and home computers. Is this the case with the a3000 series? Or did Sony learn from its mistake? 2. Reports were made that between SS and the player, track orders got jumbled without any advice as how to change them. Now should I want to be a play a live concert recording on the A-series, do they play in order??? 3. How are the tracks categorised? Apparently the tracks were ordered by artist or something, so what hope is there for a compilation cd to work properly? 4. I don't know if this has been asked or not, but is there a SLEEP TIMER function on it? 5. What is the 'visible battery status' like? Does it show more than 3 bars or something? So that we know the difference between 8hrs and 1hr left? I always wanted a replaceable battery, and there are always the weight and size issues.. BUT I will accept these should these (in my eyes) more essential 'features' be fixed... And if they are, Sony will have me won.
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