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Everything posted by Lanegan

  1. Bought this silicone case today for my nw-e005. Just mentioning a good solution for protection.. take care.
  2. Hi, i would like to ask you for some Tips & Tricks on how to well-treat a MP3 battery.. Thanx. take care
  3. That's it.. SonicStage 4.2.. Done. Thanx.
  4. the firmware is the 2.1 version. and, i think 3.4 is the latest SonicStage version.. .. .. ..
  5. Hi. I have a Sony NW-E005. Just uptaded it to the Firmware Update Version 2.0. Now SonicStage (3.4) doesn't recognize the player anymore.. (the computer does..) .. Any tip? Thanx.
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