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  1. unknown14725


    I must be one of the dumbest people on this planet. How on EARTH do you make this work with my NW-A3000? I've followed the instructions in the ml_sony readme, but I'm still not able to get it working. Ive added the directory OMGAUDIO and the files 04CNTINF.DAT and nocode.txt When I rightclick a file in winamp playlist and select SendTo "P:Sony Walkman" nothing happens at all. And where is this "Music Library" window in Winamp 5.32? The only Media Library window I have is showing my favorites. And this question leads to: Where is this +/- in front of a file? Is there another completely different program out there in an alternative universe also called Winamp ?? I dont want to use the horrible SWEX anymore. I need something better and more userfriendly. Help me before I start to cry. EDIT: -------------------------------------------> Ok, after crying a little bit I finally managed to figure out this one by myself... ....you need to have Winamp running with a modern skin, or else the Media Library window is borked. Damn, I hate modern skins. They are ugly, and huge. Sniff.
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