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About Rachelron

  • Birthday October 21

Previous Fields

  • Sony Products I Own
    MZ-NH1, MDS-JE640, MDS-S40

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  • Minidisc units
    MZ-NH1, MDS-JE640, MDS-S40

Rachelron's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Got an MDS-JE640 deck and very nice too ..... Thanks for all the advice.
  2. Hmm .... thanks sfbp. Actually I was looking at one of those.
  3. sfbp, I've been looking at better MD decks but MDLP decks are not so common. Anyway I'm not sure that I need the LP facility so are there other Sony decks that I should look at which will give me improved playback from sonic stage recordings?
  4. Well, sfbp, I'm in the UK but not in or near London but I take your point. On ebay there are some amazingly high prices being asked for MD equipment. Thanks Richard for the additional information.
  5. Thanks for all that information. That is the correct cable but I'm not sure about spending over £23 on it plus perhaps import duty and VAT I've secured my cable/connector with some tape so hopefully it will be OK. I'm aware of the limitations of my deck. I'll look at upgrading to a better deck. Unfortunately the two decks you mention are collect only which is not a possibility for me but they are a guide to what to look for.
  6. Since I found the excellent tutorial on this forum to add drivers to my Win7 PC for NetMD I've a renewed interest in my minidisc equipment. Using Sonic Stage I've successfuly transferred some Cds to MD which I can play on my HiFi via my MDS-S40 deck. However I've noticed that the cable covering at the MD plug on the USB data cable I use to connect my PC and the MZ-NH1 is broken. My fear is that this makes the wires going into the plug vulnerable. I've not been able to source a replacement cable so far. Does the cable have a code number or does anything else use the same cable? If I can connect via the optical cable does that transfer album and track data like the USB cable does? Thanks for any advice.
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