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Everything posted by ladypatricia

  1. I am in a real bind with my ultrabook purchased in February of 2014. Problem: Windows 8.1 - on the metro screen most of my live tiles stopped responding - flashed to full screen for a split second and then reverted to either metro tile screen or sometimes desktop screen. Tiles working are - Windows Store and one other software app. When I press the down arrow to show all apps - most of the apps show 'error' on further clicking it says these must be repaired via the windows store. This shows (on most) as having been repaired/installed, but they still do not work. During my many attempts to solve this problem via web page suggestions I now find that 'change computer settings' on the charms bar does not work either. I have full Panda security software suite running and showing no errors, I regularly use Malaware and C Cleaner. I have progressively removed anything downloaded in the last month - I am not a big downloader anyway, did not help, have run Disk Cleanup, defragged and run a series of other 'fixes' to no avail so decided to try system restore, non of which worked getting error message saying could not restore, try another restore point, none worked. So, decided to completely restore to factory settings using the 'assist' function. This falls at the first hurdle - insert backup/restore disks - I do not have any as I have no optical drive!. So, try another route an get ' The drive where windows is installed is locked. Unlock the drive and try again' Only help I found on this went into pages of 'bios' and other workings none of which I can, or would not attempt. I consider myself fairly competent on a computer and can follow most step by step instructions (not at the depth required for this) but have now completely come to a 'fatal' end as far as my ultrabook is concerned. Is this a 'fault' that could or should be repaired under warranty? Or any other help would be grateful appreciated. Sony helps only suggestion is to purchase repair/restore disks from them at £50 - no help as I do not have an optical drive!
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