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    x1060 mp4 player

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  1. Hi Has anyone tried the MDR-NC31EM earbuds with the X1060 walkman. My X1060 noise cancelling earbuds have broken and I dont appear to be able to source replacements. Was hoping the NC31's would work - they appear to have the same 5 sectioned plug. Thanks
  2. colonel-uk

    NWZ-X1060 Earbuds

    Hi all I have damaged the wiring on my earbuds for my x1060 MP4 Player and am looking for replacements. I believe the originals were MDR-NC20? but cannot find any available anywhere, with the exception of some from China that only have a 4 sectioned plug. Has anyone tried the MDR-NC31EM earbuds as supplied for the Xperia phone/tablets. These have the correct 5 sectioned plug, but don't know if they will work or not. Thanks
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