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K Tm S

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Everything posted by K Tm S

  1. bought a new computer, and went to load SS 3.1- came with my NW-HD5. said i had to upgrade to 4.0, so i did. now i keep getting the opening screen that says my browser is not supported by CONNECT, and i need ie6. so, when i go to get ie6, the only one available is for non-xp machines. everything else is now ie7 rc1, which is what i am running along with the msn interface. the thing is, i don't want to download from connect... i just want to register my player so i can transfer files from my comp. i can't register, i can't log in... nothing. any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks!
  2. thanks for answering... i tried all of those things and more... what a nightmare! unfortunately, i'm right back where i started. according to the help manual, i have to erase the entire drive and start over. unbelievable. i'm trying not to think about it too much, otherwise i think that i might start to regret the purchase of the NW-HD5.
  3. help! i installed 3.3, and now i can't transfer tracks to my hd5. i went online to connect and made certain that my computer was authorized, and it is. when i go to device info, the option to authorize my device is greyed out. this is the same player and computer that i was using to transfer with a week ago... all i did was update sonic stage... ...thank you in advance for your reply!
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