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    All PS products, Aibo Latte, Bravia, DSC-T200, etc.

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  1. Tracks transferring works with 8.2! Just make sure you layout your library as a list, otherwise iTunes sees it as a playlist and that gives problems!
  2. But how do I create playlists then? they should be in .pla format I guess? Any tips?
  3. Since I installed iTunes 8.2, when I transfer a playlist, Content Transfer gives me the following message: Failed to transfer this playlistԼ Liste du Jour where Liste du Jour is the name of the playlist. It seems like a character set problem that was introduced in 8.2 playlists. Anyone having the same problems. I contacted Sony Belgium and I almost started crying: they know nothing about their products. The lady didn't know what AAC was, didn't know Content Transfer, and wondered why I was using iTunes. When I told here the AAC compatible version of mediaplayer on the CD was outdated and windows didn't want to replace my newer version she even had to admit that she couldn't find a more recent version on the support site. The end comment was:" but you have already version 11". Yeah, well, she obviously never heard of versioning after the decimal sign. *sigh*. Anyone can help me, or at least has the same problem? Thanks; and Sony Belgium, please improve support, it hurts for Sony techies to listen to those people.
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