I have aquired an old, but still good looking, Sony Vaio PCV-W1/G all in one computer and am interested in upgrade possibilities. I understand that this PC will be taking many back in time a bit but it looks too good to be binned.
I have decided to use linux as an OS as opposed to any windows variant and managed to load Linux Mint 32 bit which works very well with the exception of video playback, both saved to HD and online video content. I know Sony did not release specific drivers for this PC after XP and those are not even compatible even in xp mode with windows 7.
Does any bright spark have any clues as to getting a better driver than the one supplied within Linux mint or a workaround? (the supplied driver works better than with the one windows 7 utilises).Last resort, a better driver for use with windows 7 than the original Sony one.
Rather oddly, all of my research stated that this pc can only handle a max total of 1gb of ram, I have added two 1gb sticks and all seems fine.
Any advice appreciated to keep this pc running.