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  1. Hello, I just got back into Atrac encoding and I have Sonic Stage 4.3 Ultimate working fine on a Windows 7 pc. Thank you to the people who made this possible. I will be receiving the NW-ZX1 this Thursday. Does Sonic Stage 4.3 handle AAC (m4a)? Would I be able to use Sonic Stage to transfer these files to the NW-ZX1? I just read that Media Go can handle Atrac. Will I be able to transfer Atrac files without re-encoding? Would anyone know if it will be alright to have both Sonic Stage and Media Go on the same pc? I recently pulled out my portable MD and Hi-MD recorders. Here is what I currently have: Sony MZ N707, Sony MZ NH900, Sony MZ-RH10, Sony MZ-M200, Onkyo X-N7 Bookshelf System, and soon the Sony NW-ZX1. Thank you in advance!
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