Hello guys, I'm relatively new to the forum.
I recently bought two decks, one of them an MDS-S30 (A.K.A MDS-302).
I noticed that the device can normally reproduce the disc already recorded by another device, however when I put it to record, it behaves normally as if it were recording, in the end, when it will write the TOC, it informs that it was recorded, but it damages the TOC and everything else is already recorded on the disc. I opened the device and it has no parts of the magnetic reading head. does anyone know where to get or find a new one to put this deck in recording mode again?
In my searchs, the part number is 1-500-175-11 and is the same used on the MDS-302, MDS-JA3ES and MDS-303, but the 1-500-304-21 part number is compatible too.
If anyone know where i can find this two partnumbers, i will be glad!