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Karen Myers

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Everything posted by Karen Myers

  1. I managed to get someone else to send me the download for SS4.3 since I couldn't download myself for unknown reasons. SS4.3 is running fine on Win7-64bit. I'm a working musician and I have MDs originated by me that I'm trying to rescue. My recording device (still working) is an MZ-NE410 and has a PC-MD cable. The drivers installed properly. I can read the track titles on the MD inside Sonic Stage. HOWEVER, I'm getting the message: "Unable to transfer the following tracks to My Library because they are recorded by Net MD or another computer." It is true that, several computers ago, these files were once read in to Sonic Stage. This would be the second time. Isn't there anything I can do about this?
  2. I am unable to download the SonicStage 4.3 Ultimate Edition from here. If I am not signed in, the download is not permitted. If I sign in, the download clicks, does not begin to download, and fails with an error message and a "Contact Support" link. I've sent messages on 3 days to that link and received no reply (which is why I'm posting here). When I then go back to re-sign in, my password is dead. I've tried this cycle (with constantly new passwords) several times. This fails on Firefox, Chrome, and IE, so it doesn't seem to be browser-dependent. Can anyone help me get a download copy? I can supply a Dropbox folder link, if that would help. BTW - I'm on Win 7 (64-bit)
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