Hello,i know it is an older thread,but maybe they are more people which this problems (And Sound Forge is not free). You can use some programs which was used from the first version of psp emulators before someone create an opensource atrac3plus codec which is included on ffmpeg. I think you can use simply the ffmpeg/ffmplay without need the other,anyway i post here all solutions (and links). Also they "inventated" some smart ways for could listen/convert the audio (SS can not do it with atrac mono ): The best ,if ffmpeg failed is : **HiMdRenderer && Convertie provided by hyakki decode Atrac3+ on pc using sonicStage and Sound Forge from hyakki (web : http://marcnetsystem.co.uk/) Open HiMdRenderer, Make sure Search Path has the sonicstage package path Now, input file-> browse-> select the audio file you want to decode -> GO RENDER! Then, rename the file you get to <filename>.at3.decoded